I'm a current sophomore at the University of Notre Dame interested in deep learning.
I plan on landing a role in machine learning at a company.

Currently I am a fellow at Headstarter and an undergradute researcher for the summer.

My current resume is linked here.


-Current Headstarter Software Engineering Fellow
- Incoming Undergraduate Researcher in Dowling Lab at the University of Notre Dame
- Undergraduate Researcher creating neural networks for drug detection online


- Languages: Python, C, HTML, CSS
- Libraries: PyTorch, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Pyomo
- Tools: Git, Github, Visual Studio Code, Jupyter Notebooks, PyCharm


Built a twitter data scrapper, that scraps users information such as following, followers, likes, tweets, etc. The script store each users information into json files.


  • Working Out

    I love working out with friends and weightlifting.

  • Reading

    I love to read books, both for learning and leisure. Currenlty I am rereading the Harry Potter series for the summer.

  • Trading

    I love to learn about market trends and buy and sell stocks on robinhood.

  • Running

    Recently I have started to enjoy running more and more. Planning on running a half marathon in the fall.